Bee Removal
Don’t wait for professional pest control service that includes bee removal in Portland. At Family Home Pest Control, bees and wasps are also common in our customers’ properties and we know just how to get rid of them.
Bees, Wasps, Yellow Jackets, and Hornets Refer to Specific Stinging Insects
While these terms are often used interchangeably, each of these species is slightly different.
- Bees usually only attack if they feel threatened. They can only sting once because they lose their stinger and a single sting isn’t usually dangerous unless the individual is allergic.
- Wasps are insects related to both bees and ants. They are carnivorous and can sting multiple times, as they keep their stinger after a sting.
- Hornets are a type of wasp. Hornets are large and generally only attack if they believe that their nest is threatened.
- Like hornets, yellow jackets are wasps too but are slightly more aggressive. They are easily threatened and sting multiple times.
Bee Removal
Bees are helpful creatures, but sometimes need to be removed.
There are commonly two different kinds of bees we remove here in the northwest, honeybees and bumblebees. Honeybees are golden in color and usually hang around colorful flowers in your garden. Bumblebees are fuzzy and black with a white or orange spot. Both kinds of bees don’t usually sting unless they feel threatened, but they do create nests for honey and live in fairly big swarms, which can cause a problem for families, especially if there are bee allergies. In these cases, bee removal is practically a necessity.
Wasps have a more slender body, with black, orange, and/or yellow markings.
Wasp Removal
Wasps, like bees, they will only sting when they feel threatened or provoked. Their nests are usually created out in the open, under eaves. They may make several at a time, and should not be disturbed. They also eat nectar from flowers like bees, but often will eat fruit and even bring small insects to feed their offspring or larvae. Our pest control experts are trained to understand their habits in order to effectively get rid of them. Like bee removal, removing a hornet hive can make a massive difference.
If you continue to have wasps around your home, you may have a hive
If you have been finding bees or wasps in your yard or home pretty often, it could be an indication of a hive. It is best to contact a professional pest control expert or exterminator to come perform bee removal and hive removal if it is becoming problematic for you. This is especially important if the nests are located in areas of high traffic.
Wasps may have several nests on your property, so it can be tough to spot all of them on your own, but our professionals are trained to spot them. Disturbing the nests may provoke them to sting you, and swarms can be dangerous, especially with wasps, which can have venomous stings. Do not try to get rid of them yourself. Our professional wasp and bee removal experts in Portland, OR can get rid of them safely and effectively.
Yellow Jacket Removal
Yellow Jackets are a terrible pest to have around your home
There are several different species of yellow jackets in the Pacific Northwest. Some species are smaller than others and fly faster. They are considered a social nest which means that there are thousands in each as it matures. All can sting multiple times and usually are aggressive if you get near, as they feel threatened. They will make their nest almost anywhere. That includes in the ground, in the wall of your structure, in a tree, and up under the eaves of your home. If they find their way and build a nest inside the the walls of your structure somehow, chances are high that they will chew their way right through the sheet rock and get into the house. That is when you need attention very quickly. Family Home Pest Control has been performing yellow jacket removal for over 38 years.
If you are stung, the pain is caused by the formic acid that is deposited inside your skin via the stinger. Yellow jackets never lose their stinger. Hence they can sting many times and commonly do. When threatened, An alarm is put out and many respond. Whenever a person is close enough to threaten their nest, they will chase the person out of the area by stinging and flying around that person. Many times they have been known to chase subjects as far away as two blocks down the road. The best way to avoid being stung is to call Family Home Pest Control and we will take care of it the best way possible depending on its location.
If you have been stung and are trying to get away from them, the best means is by running away in a zigzag formation. Also it is good to try to run inside of a home where there is less sunlight. Yellow jackets are usually attracted to light. When you run inside of a home and there is all of the sudden less sunlight, the insects become confused and will look for light. They usually end up flying towards the nearest window or back out the door.
Usually yellow jackets are more commonly noticed around the late spring and into the summer. When fall starts coming around their food supplies dwindle and they become more aggressive. The best time to take care of them is when they first show up.
Hornet Removal
In the Pacific Northwest, Hornets are a very common sighting. The most common species we usually see here is called “bald-faced hornets”. Hornets are a social nest meaning that there are multiple thousands in one nest. They are usually very aggressive if they feel threatened. Hornets, like yellow jackets, can sting many times each. Hornets are very much like yellow jackets except that their bodies are larger and they generally make their nest in some sort of tree or under an eve of the roof. You do not ever find them in the walls of structures and you never find them in the ground.
Hornet nests can be hard to find and remove
Many times it can be easily hidden among the leaves of a tree. Their nests are made of the paper substance on the outside which isn’t come shape the whole near the bottom. Inside the nest is a honeycomb shaped material also made of a sturdy paper substance. All the cells face downward inside the nest. They usually follow a standard insect type metamorphic cycle which means they produce an egg which turns into a larvae, which then turns into a pupae and then it emerges as an adult. Most of the time when an newly emerging adult emerges from its cell, it stays inside the nest for a while before flying. Hornets are considered carnivores. Soon it will go and find other insects and sting them and then carry them back to the nest and feed them to the larvae.
Other Services Include:
For comprehensive wasp, yellow jacket, hornet and bee removal in Portland, Call (503) 300-5054 or Contact Family Home Pest Control today.

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Serving Portland, OR Since 1999

Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 503-300-5054 today!
How do you prevent pests?Pest prevention depends on what you’re trying to prevent. Some best practices we always advise customers to follow are to keep all food items (including those for pets) in air-tight containers. Make sure there are no leaks in your home (including the attic and basement). Mechanical exclusion involves sealing off all entry points into the home. This is difficult for homeowners to accomplish without help, but you can keep your lawn and surrounding areas clean and free of debris. If there are any trees or bushes that provide roof access for pests, move these away from the home or trim them shorter than the roof line.
How do you control pests?Our exterminators use the right method for the job. We take into account the property, pest type,
and residents of the home. Certain methods aren’t used when small animals or children are present. We always target our efforts as well. That means identifying paths your pest uses, where they are present, and using their feeding areas and times against them to achieve the fastest and most complete results. -
How is pest control done?
There are three types of pest control procedures:
- Biological pest control: This uses chemical agents and may involve baits, pheromones, sprays, and repellants.
- Physical pest control: Exterminators manually remove pests and use control methods like barriers, sealants, and environmental manipulation to control pests.
- Mechanical pest control: Mechanical devices include traps, bait stations, and other devices designed to prey on the behavior of a specific pest.
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